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Health Office Design

Posted by The Definition On 6:46 AM

Health Office Design

When one thinks of all the aspects of designing or remodeling an office, usually the "health" of the space isn't on the top 10 list of things to be concerned with. But, did you know that there is actually a science devoted to the health of buildings? The study of Bau-Biology (the study of the life of a building) dates back to the 1950s after WWII-when fast, inexpensive construction was the norm. Occupants of tract housing and office buildings started becoming ill with no apparent cause. However, the cause was found to be off-gassing from toxins and chemicals used in the new building materials (plastics, MDF, veneers, nylons, polyesters), textiles and air-tight construction that allowed no ventilation. So, how does Bau-Biology play into 2009 office design? Well, eco-friendly and sustainability not-withstanding, designing a space that takes into the account the health of the occupants not only decreases sick days, but helps increase productivity, efficiency AND help saves energy costs!

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